Vented Gas Logs: Heater or Decorative?

Vented Gas Logs: Heater or Decorative?

A popular way to provide supplemental heat to your home, gas logs are a clean and convenient alternative to a wood-burning fireplace. If you are shopping for gas logs, you probably know there are two different kinds of this heating appliance: vented and vent-free. The...
Vent-Free Gas Logs FAQ

Vent-Free Gas Logs FAQ

If you are shopping for gas logs for your fireplace, you will quickly discover there are two kinds of gas logs: vented and vent-free (also known as ventless or unvented). When choosing between the two types, you may hesitate from selecting vent-free gas logs because...
3 Ways to Save Energy

3 Ways to Save Energy

Three Energy-Efficient Options Saving energy means saving money, and we all can agree that these are two resources we definitely should be conserving. With today’s technology, fireplaces have become more energy-efficient than ever, earning praise from the United...