Do you enjoy the sensory experience of sitting by the fire, watching the flames jump around the logs, smelling the burning wood, and listening to the crackling embers? Even if you love this factor of your traditional fireplace, you most likely wish it could heat your home more effectively. Even though you are given warmth directly from the fireplace, you may notice that a lot of the heat escapes immediately out the chimney. Although you love the comfort of the sensory experience from your traditional fireplace, the United States Department of Energy (DOE) claims that it is an extremely inefficient way to heat your home by stating, “Designed more for show, traditional open masonry fireplaces should not be considered heating devices.” Fortunately for you, Bart Fireside knows how to convert your traditional fireplace into a more efficient heating system by installing a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-approved wood-burning fireplace insert. We have been asked by our customers about the differences between a fireplace insert and a traditional fireplace and would like to share with you some information from the DOE to explain these differences.Tradtional fireplaces vs inserts Columbia SC Bart Fireside

Why are traditional fireplaces such inefficient heating devices?

According to the DOE, a traditional fireplace sucks in up to 300 cubic feet of heated room air per minute for combustion only to send this air back out of the chimney. Even if you try to make your traditional fireplace more efficient with glass doors, heat recovery systems, and dedicated air supplies, it is still not an effective heating appliance. Traditional fireplaces are also big polluters and release a great deal of emissions into the air.

Tell me more about wood-burning fireplace inserts.

Basically a wood-burning stove, this type of fireplace insert is manufactured to fit into your traditional fireplace to use its existing chimney. One of the most important considerations of fireplace inserts is an insert needs to be professionally installed in order for it to operate safely and effectively. You can count on Bart Fireside to ensure that your wood-burning fireplace insert is installed as airtight as possible. This allows you to control the fire and its heat output more easily. Another reason for the importance of professional installation of your fireplace insert is to ensure the flue fits the insert exactly. The flue of your traditional fireplace is most likely larger than the insert, which will cause it to be inefficient. We can install a new stainless steel liner to create a properly-sized flue.

Why are wood-burning fireplace inserts more efficient and cleaner burning than traditional fireplaces?

Even though many people believe that burning wood creates a lot of emissions and pollution, the EPA has declared many wood-burning fireplace inserts to be heating appliances with low emissions. Manufactured to give the sensory experience of burning wood, these fireplace inserts can also heat your house much more efficiently and effectively. Installing an EPA-certified wood-burning fireplace insert will result in fewer emissions and reduce your firewood use.

Considering upgrading your traditional fireplace to a fireplace insert? Contact Bart Fireside to learn more about these amazing heating appliances.